====================== The asynctools library ====================== .. py:module:: asyncstdlib.asynctools :synopsis: core asynctools variants The :py:mod:`asyncstdlib.asynctools` library implements the core toolset used by :py:mod:`asyncstdlib` itself and similar utilities. All documented members of this module are separate from internal implementation and stable regardless of :py:mod:`asyncstdlib` internals. .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 Iterator lifetime ================= .. autofunction:: borrow(iterator: async iter T) -> async iter T .. autofunction:: scoped_iter(iterable: (async) iter T) :async-with: :async iter T Async transforming ================== .. autofunction:: await_each(awaitables: iter await T) :async-for: :T .. versionadded:: 3.9.1 .. autofunction:: apply(func: (*T, **T) -> R, *args: await T, **kwargs: await T) -> R :async: .. versionadded:: 3.9.1