Source code for asyncstdlib.functools

from typing import (

from ._typing import T, AC, AnyIterable
from ._core import ScopedIter, awaitify as _awaitify, Sentinel
from .builtins import anext
from ._utility import public_module

from ._lrucache import lru_cache, CacheInfo, CacheParameters, LRUAsyncCallable

__all__ = [

[docs]def cache(user_function: AC) -> LRUAsyncCallable[AC]: """ Simple unbounded cache, aka memoization, for async functions This is a convenience function, equivalent to :py:func:`~.lru_cache` with a ``maxsize`` of :py:data:`None`. """ return lru_cache(maxsize=None)(user_function)
__REDUCE_SENTINEL = Sentinel("<no default>") class AwaitableValue(Generic[T]): """Helper to provide an arbitrary value in ``await``""" __slots__ = ("value",) def __init__(self, value: T): self.value = value # noinspection PyUnreachableCode def __await__(self) -> Generator[None, None, T]: return self.value yield # type: ignore # pragma: no cover def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.value!r})" @public_module(__name__, "cached_property") class CachedProperty(Generic[T]): """ Transform a method into an attribute whose value is cached When applied to an asynchronous method of a class, instances have an attribute of the same name as the method (similar to :py:class:`property`). Using this attribute with ``await`` provides the value of using the method with ``await``. The attribute value is cached on the instance after being computed; subsequent uses of the attribute with ``await`` provide the cached value, without executing the method again. The cached value can be cleared using ``del``, in which case the next access will recompute the value using the wrapped method. .. code-block:: python3 import asyncstdlib as a class Resource: def __init__(self, url): self.url = url @a.cached_property async def data(self): return await asynclib.get(self.url) resource = Resource(1, 3) print(await # needs some time... print(await # finishes instantly del print(await # needs some time... Unlike a :py:class:`property`, this type does not support :py:meth:`~property.setter` or :py:meth:`~property.deleter`. .. note:: Instances on which a value is to be cached must have a ``__dict__`` attribute that is a mutable mapping. """ def __init__(self, getter: Callable[[Any], Awaitable[T]]): self.__wrapped__ = getter self._name = getter.__name__ self.__doc__ = getter.__doc__ def __set_name__(self, owner: Any, name: str) -> None: # Check whether we can store anything on the instance # Note that this is a failsafe, and might fail ugly. # People who are clever enough to avoid this heuristic # should also be clever enough to know the why and what. if not any("__dict__" in dir(cls) for cls in owner.__mro__): raise TypeError( "'cached_property' requires '__dict__' " f"on {owner.__name__!r} to store {name}" ) self._name = name @overload def __get__(self, instance: None, owner: type) -> "CachedProperty[T]": ... @overload def __get__(self, instance: object, owner: Optional[type]) -> Awaitable[T]: ... def __get__( self, instance: Optional[object], owner: Optional[type] ) -> Union["CachedProperty[T]", Awaitable[T]]: if instance is None: return self return self._get_attribute(instance) async def _get_attribute(self, instance: object) -> T: value = await self.__wrapped__(instance) instance.__dict__[self._name] = AwaitableValue(value) return value cached_property = CachedProperty
[docs]async def reduce( function: Union[Callable[[T, T], T], Callable[[T, T], Awaitable[T]]], iterable: AnyIterable[T], initial: T = __REDUCE_SENTINEL, # type: ignore ) -> T: """ Reduce an (async) iterable by cumulative application of an (async) function :raises TypeError: if ``iterable`` is empty and ``initial`` is not given Applies the ``function`` from the beginning of ``iterable``, as if executing ``await function(current, anext(iterable))`` until ``iterable`` is exhausted. Note that the output of ``function`` should be valid as its first input. The optional ``initial`` is prepended to all items of ``iterable`` when applying ``function``. If the combination of ``initial`` and ``iterable`` contains exactly one item, it is returned without calling ``function``. """ async with ScopedIter(iterable) as item_iter: try: value = ( initial if initial is not __REDUCE_SENTINEL else await anext(item_iter) ) except StopAsyncIteration: raise TypeError( "reduce() of empty sequence with no initial value" ) from None function = _awaitify(function) async for head in item_iter: value = await function(value, head) return value