Versions and Releases

The asyncstdlib versioning closely follows versioning of the Python standard library. New versions are published via PyPI and Conda-Forge for installation via pip and conda.

Versioning and feature coverage

The asyncstdlib mimics the versioning of the Python standard library:

  • Major and Minor version indicate which Python feature set is supported, and

  • Patch version indicates the iteration of this feature set.

For example, asyncstdlib version 3.9.2 provides the feature set of Python 3.9, such as cache() added in 3.9 and cached_property() added previously.

The asyncstdlib.asynctools feature set does not follow a strict version model. New features may be added at minor or patch releases.

Release workflow


This section is only relevant for maintainers of asyncstdlib.

Releases are performed manually but should happen at least when an important fix or major feature is added. Most releases will bump the patch version number; only bump the minor or major version number to match a new Python release.

  1. Review all changes added by the new releases:
    • Naming of functions/classes/parameters

    • Docs are up to date and consistent

    • Unittests cover all obvious cases

  2. Bump the version number:
    • Adjust and commit asyncstdlib.__init__.__version__

    • Create a git tag such as git tag -a "v3.9.2" -m "description"

    • Push the commit and tags to github

  3. Publish the new release: