Source code for asyncstdlib.heapq

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import (
import heapq as _heapq

from .builtins import enumerate as a_enumerate, zip as a_zip
from ._core import aiter, awaitify, ScopedIter, borrow
from ._typing import AnyIterable, ACloseable, LT, T

class _KeyIter(Generic[LT]):
    __slots__ = ("head", "tail", "reverse", "head_key", "key")

    def __init__(
        head: T,
        tail: AsyncIterator[T],
        reverse: bool,
        head_key: LT,
        key: Callable[[T], Awaitable[LT]],
    ) -> None: ...

    def __init__(
        self, head: LT, tail: AsyncIterator[LT], reverse: bool, head_key: LT, key: None
    ) -> None: ...

    def __init__(
        head: Any,
        tail: AsyncIterator[Any],
        reverse: bool,
        head_key: LT,
        key: Any,
    ) -> None:
        self.head = head
        self.head_key = head_key
        self.tail = tail
        self.key = key
        self.reverse = reverse

    def from_iters(
        iterables: "tuple[AnyIterable[T], ...]",
        reverse: bool,
        key: Callable[[T], Awaitable[LT]],
    ) -> "AsyncIterator[_KeyIter[LT]]": ...

    def from_iters(
        cls, iterables: "tuple[AnyIterable[LT], ...]", reverse: bool, key: None
    ) -> "AsyncIterator[_KeyIter[LT]]": ...

    async def from_iters(
        iterables: "tuple[AnyIterable[Any], ...]",
        reverse: bool,
        key: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]],
    ) -> "AsyncIterator[_KeyIter[Any]]":
        for iterable in iterables:
            iterator = aiter(iterable)
                head = await iterator.__anext__()
            except StopAsyncIteration:
                head_key = await key(head) if key is not None else head
                yield cls(head, iterator, reverse, head_key, key)

    async def pull_head(self) -> bool:
        Pull the next ``head`` element from the iterator and signal success
            self.head = head = await self.tail.__anext__()
        except StopAsyncIteration:
            return False
            self.head_key = await self.key(head) if self.key is not None else head
            return True

    def __lt__(self, other: _KeyIter[LT]) -> bool:
        return self.reverse ^ (self.head_key < other.head_key)

    def __eq__(self, other: _KeyIter[LT]) -> bool:  # type: ignore[override]
        return not (self.head_key < other.head_key or other.head_key < self.head_key)

[docs] async def merge( *iterables: AnyIterable[Any], key: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = None, reverse: bool = False, ) -> AsyncIterator[Any]: """ Merge all pre-sorted (async) ``iterables`` into a single sorted iterator This works similar to ``sorted(chain(*iterables), key=key, reverse=reverse)`` but operates lazily: at any moment only one item of each iterable is stored for the comparison. This allows merging streams of pre-sorted items, such as timestamped records from multiple sources. The optional ``key`` argument specifies a one-argument (async) callable, which provides a substitute for determining the sort order of each item. The special value and default :py:data:`None` represents the identity function, comparing items directly. The default sort order is ascending, that is items with ``a < b`` imply ``a`` is yielded before ``b``. Use ``reverse=True`` for descending sort order. The ``iterables`` must be pre-sorted in the same order. """ a_key = awaitify(key) if key is not None else None # sortable iterators with (reverse) position to ensure stable sort for ties iter_heap: "list[tuple[_KeyIter[Any], int]]" = [ (itr, idx if not reverse else -idx) async for idx, itr in a_enumerate( _KeyIter[Any].from_iters(iterables, reverse, a_key) ) ] try: _heapq.heapify(iter_heap) # there are at least two iterators that need merging while len(iter_heap) > 1: while True: itr, idx = iter_heap[0] yield itr.head if await itr.pull_head(): _heapq.heapreplace(iter_heap, (itr, idx)) else: _heapq.heappop(iter_heap) break # there is only one iterator left, no need for merging if iter_heap: itr, idx = iter_heap[0] yield itr.head async for item in itr.tail: yield item finally: for itr, _ in iter_heap: if isinstance(itr.tail, ACloseable): await itr.tail.aclose()
class ReverseLT(Generic[LT]): """Helper to reverse ``a < b`` ordering""" __slots__ = ("key",) def __init__(self, key: LT): self.key = key def __lt__(self, other: ReverseLT[LT]) -> bool: return other.key < self.key # Python's heapq provides a *min*-heap # When finding the n largest items, heapq tracks the *minimum* item still large enough. # In other words, during search we maintain opposite sort order than what is requested. # We turn the min-heap into a max-sort in the end. async def _largest( iterable: AnyIterable[T], n: int, key: Callable[[T], Awaitable[LT]], reverse: bool, ) -> "list[T]": ordered: Callable[[LT], LT] = ReverseLT if reverse else lambda x: x # type: ignore async with ScopedIter(iterable) as iterator: # assign an ordering to items to solve ties order_sign = -1 if reverse else 1 n_heap = [ (ordered(await key(item)), index * order_sign, item) async for index, item in a_zip(range(n), borrow(iterator)) ] if not n_heap: return [] _heapq.heapify(n_heap) worst_key = n_heap[0][0] next_index = n * order_sign async for item in iterator: item_key = ordered(await key(item)) if worst_key < item_key: _heapq.heapreplace(n_heap, (item_key, next_index, item)) worst_key = n_heap[0][0] next_index += 1 * order_sign n_heap.sort(reverse=True) return [item for _, _, item in n_heap] async def _identity(x: T) -> T: return x
[docs] async def nlargest( iterable: AnyIterable[T], n: int, key: Optional[Callable[[Any], Awaitable[Any]]] = None, ) -> "list[T]": """ Return a sorted list of the ``n`` largest elements from the (async) iterable The optional ``key`` argument specifies a one-argument (async) callable, which provides a substitute for determining the sort order of each item. The special value and default :py:data:`None` represents the identity functions, comparing items directly. The result is equivalent to ``sorted(iterable, key=key, reverse=True)[:n]``, but ``iterable`` is consumed lazily and items are discarded eagerly. """ a_key: Callable[[Any], Awaitable[Any]] = ( awaitify(key) if key is not None else _identity # type: ignore ) return await _largest(iterable=iterable, n=n, key=a_key, reverse=False)
[docs] async def nsmallest( iterable: AnyIterable[T], n: int, key: Optional[Callable[[Any], Awaitable[Any]]] = None, ) -> "list[T]": """ Return a sorted list of the ``n`` smallest elements from the (async) iterable Provides the reverse functionality to :py:func:`~.nlargest`. """ a_key: Callable[[Any], Awaitable[Any]] = ( awaitify(key) if key is not None else _identity # type: ignore ) return await _largest(iterable=iterable, n=n, key=a_key, reverse=True)